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What can we say about our signature line of award-winning HIGH CAFFEINE coffee? It's the most butt-kicking, strongest all-natural, best tasting coffee on the planet! It's not bitter, it's not sour and its not weak! That's why we've been featured on The Today Show, ABC Nightline, CNBC, Food Network, and more! People love it, and we know you will too.

  • 1LB bag of pre-ground coffee
  • Guaranteed-fresh vacuum-sealed valve bag
  • 100% naturally-caffeinated
  • Up to 50% more caffeine than other brands
  • Award-winning taste
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. No Hassle Returns.

[more] Shock Coffee is the leading producer of the world's finest energy blend coffees, exclusively available in a high-caffeine energy blend. Our imitators haven't been able to perfect their taste to caffeine ratio, so you're left feeling weak and unsatisfied. Our coffee is 100% naturally caffeinated and we've never added any caffeine. We carefully select our coffee beans for their taste and caffeine content, then roast and blend them to perfection.

At Shock Coffee, we firmly believe that Sleep is Overrated™ and one sip of our coffee will make you a believer, too. SHOCK Coffee will add hours to your day and make you more productive. That has been our priority since day one and our loyal fans and the media have agreed.  The United States served Shock Coffee to our military during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and is now available on military bases, nuff said!

Since SHOCK Coffee's launch in 06 (yes we were the first so deal with it), many coffee connoisseurs have dubbed it "The World's Strongest Coffee". In fact, in past and recent testing against the major players our blend's caffeine to flavor ratio stood out time and again. Give us a try, we know you're gonna love it... or your money back!

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